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Quiko was founded in 1968, completing in 2018 its first 50 years of invention, design and production of gear motor for automation system along the furrow of traditional Venetian reliability, entrepreneurial spirit and attention to technological innovation which has made the industries in the North East of Italy leaders in many disparate sectors.

Long experience in manufacturing testifies today the attainment of excellence for the reliability and durability of the numerous products which make up the range offered, with specific attention to the Company mission, which has always been centred on customers’ needs, on anticipating market ideas and on a partnership with its users aimed at offering a suitable product based on specific requirements.


Historically the mission of QUIKO ITALY SRL has been:

“Make life easier with home automation”

This mission keeps its validity intact and therefore must continue to guide the choices
the company’s development strategy.


Combine more than 50 years of experience within the mechanical industry with the most advanced lean-production techniques to provide the best Made in Italy gearmotors for doors and gates to distributors worldwide, supporting them in making the life of end users easier thanks to automation.


Centrality of the customer

Every customer is important for Quiko Srl and we try to accompany him in his growth by taking a careful look at every need.

Working together

Quiko Srl team is always ready to help each other and respect each other for the good of the company and our customers.

Quiko commitment

Be proud to be part of the Quiko Srl team, get involved every day to contribute to the good and common success and share the same values.

Reliability and Passion

Quiko Srl is a team of consistent and trusted people who always keep their commitments. Our strength is to have love for our craft, to be satisfied and to believe in our project.

Kaizen, continuous improvement

We are always attentive to the technology and cutting edge of our products and processes. The attention to detail allows Us to continuously optimize our organizational and production processes

The purpose of the QUIKO Ethical Code is to encourage virtuous conduct and prohibit conduct that does not comply with the stated principles, for the welfare of its employees, the surrounding community and the environment.

The QUIKO Ethical Code can be viewed at the following link: Codice-etico.pdf


With a view to the values of transparency, safety and legality, Quiko Italy SRL has introduced the 231/2001 organisational and risk management model since September 2022. Quiko Italy SRL operates in compliance with current laws and regulations, professional ethics and internal procedures and for this purpose ensures an adequate training and awareness program.
The pursuit of corporate interests can never justify a conduct that is contrary to the principles of legality, fairness and honesty.

The 231 organizational model includes a series of procedures and provisions that regulate the operation of the company to prevent risks of crime and administrative offences derived from conflicts of interest and at the same time valuing the correctness of our work also in terms of sustainability, health and safety, as well as maximum respect for the environmental impact.

Our policy allows Us to better verify our business processes and at the same time make them more efficient Quiko Italy SRL has equipped itself with a Quality Management System demonstrating a particular attention to its customers.

Consistently, with a view to increasing efficiency and reliability, Quiko Italy SRL, has adopted an Ethical Code and, as a tool for the implementation of the same, considers it essential to proceed with the adoption and effective implementation of an organizational model, management and control of health and safety at work in order to ensure a healthy and safe working environment.


Quiko Italy’s policy is based on the following principles:
• The implementation, maintenance and continuous improvement of the quality management system in compliance with UNI EN ISO 9001;
• Implementation, maintenance and improvement of development and production methods according to the lean production method;
• Continuous monitoring of the conformity of the provided products and services;
• Monitoring customer satisfaction and ensuring delivery times;
• Staff involvement at all business levels;
• Accurate control of outsourced work phases;
• The implementation of sustainability policies.

In addition to these general principles of constant application, the Organization defines and pursues the following medium-term objectives to be pursued in the next period:
• Increasing the production
• Increase your visibility in foreign markets
• Reduce production time
• Drafting and maintenance of a structured business plan with relevance also to sustainability issues



We are constantly searching for new partners to which entrust the distribution of our products. We are looking for dynamic companies able to fully understand the initiative philosophy of QUIKO.

Our sales office is always willing to establish new successful partnerships.


We are located in Sossano, within the province of Vicenza, a few kilometers far away from the Motebello Vicentino highway exit station, located on the A4.

Via Seccalegno, 19
36040 Sossano (VI) – Italy


    Historically the mission of QUIKO ITALY SRL has been:

    “Make life easier with home automation”

    This mission keeps its validity intact and therefore must continue to guide the choices
    the company’s development strategy.


    Combine more than 50 years of experience within the mechanical industry with the most advanced lean-production techniques to provide the best Made in Italy gearmotors for doors and gates to distributors worldwide, supporting them in making the life of end users easier thanks to automation.


    Centrality of the customer

    Every customer is important for Quiko Srl and we try to accompany him in his growth by taking a careful look at every need.

    Working together

    Quiko Srl team is always ready to help each other and respect each other for the good of the company and our customers.

    Quiko commitment

    Be proud to be part of the Quiko Srl team, get involved every day to contribute to the good and common success and share the same values.

    Reliability and Passion

    Quiko Srl is a team of consistent and trusted people who always keep their commitments. Our strength is to have love for our craft, to be satisfied and to believe in our project.

    Kaizen, continuous improvement

    We are always attentive to the technology and cutting edge of our products and processes. The attention to detail allows Us to continuously optimize our organizational and production processes

    The purpose of the QUIKO Ethical Code is to encourage virtuous conduct and prohibit conduct that does not comply with the stated principles, for the welfare of its employees, the surrounding community and the environment.

    The QUIKO Ethical Code can be viewed at the following link: Codice-etico.pdf


    With a view to the values of transparency, safety and legality, Quiko Italy SRL has introduced the 231/2001 organisational and risk management model since September 2022. Quiko Italy SRL operates in compliance with current laws and regulations, professional ethics and internal procedures and for this purpose ensures an adequate training and awareness program.
    The pursuit of corporate interests can never justify a conduct that is contrary to the principles of legality, fairness and honesty.

    The 231 organizational model includes a series of procedures and provisions that regulate the operation of the company to prevent risks of crime and administrative offences derived from conflicts of interest and at the same time valuing the correctness of our work also in terms of sustainability, health and safety, as well as maximum respect for the environmental impact.

    Our policy allows Us to better verify our business processes and at the same time make them more efficient Quiko Italy SRL has equipped itself with a Quality Management System demonstrating a particular attention to its customers.

    Consistently, with a view to increasing efficiency and reliability, Quiko Italy SRL, has adopted an Ethical Code and, as a tool for the implementation of the same, considers it essential to proceed with the adoption and effective implementation of an organizational model, management and control of health and safety at work in order to ensure a healthy and safe working environment.


    Quiko Italy’s policy is based on the following principles:
    • The implementation, maintenance and continuous improvement of the quality management system in compliance with UNI EN ISO 9001;
    • Implementation, maintenance and improvement of development and production methods according to the lean production method;
    • Continuous monitoring of the conformity of the provided products and services;
    • Monitoring customer satisfaction and ensuring delivery times;
    • Staff involvement at all business levels;
    • Accurate control of outsourced work phases;
    • The implementation of sustainability policies.

    In addition to these general principles of constant application, the Organization defines and pursues the following medium-term objectives to be pursued in the next period:
    • Increasing the production
    • Increase your visibility in foreign markets
    • Reduce production time
    • Drafting and maintenance of a structured business plan with relevance also to sustainability issues




    We are constantly searching for new partners to which entrust the distribution of our products. We are looking for dynamic companies able to fully understand the initiative philosophy of QUIKO.

    Our sales office is always willing to establish new successful partnerships.


    We are located in Sossano, within the province of Vicenza, a few kilometers far away from the Motebello Vicentino highway exit station, located on the A4.

    Via Seccalegno, 19
    36040 Sossano (VI) – Italy