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Extending the service life of automatic doors mechanism for great service delivery

Extending the service life of automatic doors mechanism for great service delivery

Automated doors have become increasingly popular and widespread in various installations such as factories, stores and private homes. These doors have outstanding advantages which include ;

– Value addition to the property since many people prefer automatic doors in hospitals, airports, hotels, residential estates, shopping malls, retail outlets.
– Various models and designs including swinging doors opener , automatic folding doors, sliding doors and rotating doors.
– Convenience: guests and customers will appreciate not having to deal with very heavy manual doors, especially those with children and carrying luggage
– Ease of use and maintenance
– Cost versus benefits; the doors are more economical to use and operate especially in terms of energy savings.
– Safety: they provide consistently safe protection to propert

Types of Automatic Doors and Operating Mechanisms

Models of automatic doors can be distinguished by the speed reducer mechanism they operate and the mode of opening each door uses. These include;

Sliding Doors

They operate through worm drives which for transmission uses the crown wheel, connected with a worm screw that engages the gears for reducing transmission speed. The drive is usually installed at the top of the door and transmits motion to attain a linear displacement.


Access gates

Similar to sliding doors operators  but the worm drives are located at the bottom of the gate. Motion is generated through pinion and motor gearing system and they also have linear motion.

Sectional Garage Doors

They have a linear speed reduction mechanism. The door position can be raised, lowered, adjusted or even tilted.
To derive maximum performance of your automatic door system, there are certain measures specific to these types of doors that need to be regularly done.